Having a safe is not only a smart idea but oftentimes a necessity. Owning one which is securely attached to the wall can be the best way to help keep your valuables, firearms, and precious items protected. Depending on what level of security you’re looking for that could mean protection from theft, damage, fire, or all of these.
Some are even meant to be hidden from view or made to look just like household décor. When it comes to wall safes there really is a wide range of options and types for consumers to choose from, so read on and you’ll quickly have the knowledge you need to decide which type is right for you!
Where Can They Be Used And What For?
A wall safe is a security box, that as its name suggests is set into a wall. They are ideal for use in many locations with businesses, offices, and homes being the most common. The majority of safes are used to store cash, important and classified documents, smaller firearms, jewelry, checks, and other high-value items.
The fact that they can be easily concealed with a picture frame, bookcase, or another piece of furniture or décor is very appealing to many consumers since it can drastically cut down on the chance that your valuables will be stolen. Many business owners in particular, of course, need a safe to keep cash before it is deposited in the bank, but feel nervous about using a floor safe, drop safe, or another choice that a criminal could spot.
Instead, they feel much more secure keeping their cash in a more concealed manner. This is because while most criminals know there is loot to be had in just about any business, not having your safe in plain sight may not give prospective thieves the idea that yours has something worth stealing in the first place and that is always a good thing since it can prevent future loss, problems, and even injury.
Unlike other types of safes, they are up off the floor and protected against flooding. They are also anchored to the wall which is excellent because most thieves are not prepared to break in, cut out and remove a chunk of your wall with the safe attached and then try to escape with it. And that is considering they even know it is there in the first place.
What You Need To Consider
When thinking about shopping for one, there are a few things to consider which will quickly help you to decide on the best wall safe for your needs.
How Much Security Do You Need?
More than anything else the amount of security you need will influence the model you choose. Someone looking to keep valuables as secure as possible will want something more heavy-duty with all steel construction and no plastic parts. As with any safe, thick heavy gauge steel (the thicker the better) is always the best protection as are large diameter solid steel locking bolts.
However, not everyone is looking for the same level of security. A person who wants to install an inexpensive wall gun safe to keep his handgun out of the reach of his children but still easily accessible in an emergency, and store the family passports at the same time, won’t require the same amount of protection as someone keeping a hidden stash of diamonds for example.
So be sure to think about the level of protection you want and need, as this will determine the materials and construction of the safe that best suits your specific needs.
Do You Need A Fireproof Wall Safe Or Not?
In general, there are two types of wall safes: burglar and fireproof. Burglar safes are not fire resistant but instead are designed mainly to keep out thieves. These usually will be somewhere around six to seven inches deep behind the wall. Fireproof wall safes are manufactured to keep out both thieves and protect against fire damage. For this reason, they are much deeper approximately between fifteen to sixteen inches behind the wall.
Many fireproof models will also feature a special lining for the interior of the safe which will increase protection for documents during a fire as well. A fireproof wall safe will be heavier and more expensive but if you will be keeping items that are irreplaceable or extremely expensive it is probably worth the extra cost.
What Capacity Do You Need?
Thinking about what you will be using your safe for will help you pick the capacity or size you need. Both medium and even small wall safes can provide more than enough room for the average user and will normally have multiple shelves for easy organizing. Basic units while they may not be specifically advertised as such, can be used as in-wall gun safes for both handguns and ammunition.
However, if you will be keeping rifles or shotguns you’ll need to choose one which is specifically designed to be tall enough to fit them. Many wall gun safes will also provide adjustable barrel rests to accommodate the specifications of individual weapons which can be a real plus.
What Type Of Lock Do You Prefer?
Just as with other types of safes, wall safes come with a few different types of locks each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You’ll need to consider which one will work best for you. Your options are:
Dial Combination Locks: With zero electronics involved, these are hands down the most reliable option and have been for close to two hundred years. They require no changing of batteries however; they come with one combination from the manufacturer that if you want to change means hiring a technician.
Also, keep in mind that the numbers on the dial are smaller than other choices so if you’re eyesight is not so great it may be a little harder for you to see them accurately.
Digital Locks: With larger and clearer numbers on the keypad, digital locks are easier to read and faster to get into. They also allow you to change the combination whenever you feel like it by simply following the instructions included by the manufacturer. You will have to change the batteries about once a year or so and some models will come with extra features to ensure that if the batteries die you can still get in if you need to.
For example, external battery packs that can plug into the lock giving it power or override keys so you can open the safe manually if you have to are both common. It’s always a good idea to keep your override keys somewhere like a safety deposit box in the bank or another place outside of where the wall safe is kept so thieves will not be able to get to use them.
Key Locks: Some of the less heavy-duty wall safes have key locks. That means you won’t have to remember a combination but of course, you’ll have to be sure to keep your key in a secure location at all times. Some key locks can be very sturdy, particularly ones which feature a three-point locking system that locks on the top, bottom, and the opening side of the door.
Biometric Locks: The newest technology when it comes to locks are biometric or fingerprint scanners. Of course, this means that only users whose fingerprints are enrolled in the system can open the safe. Many biometric wall safes actually allow for multiple users’ fingerprints to be recognized if that is what you want as well.
Like with digital locks a large number will also come with override keys and an external battery pack just in case there is a problem with the scanner or the batteries.
What Extra Features Would You Like?
There are also many extra features that are offered by wall safe manufacturers that can be quite useful and convenient that you might want to keep an eye out for. A velvet or felt-lined interior for example can add a luxurious feel and also help to protect fragile items like jewelry stored inside from being damaged.
Some models have expandable shelves for extra storage space and a few even let you expand the depth of the safe itself so that you can be sure to use all the available space in walls of varying thicknesses. Removable shelves are also very handy when you need to keep larger things inside that otherwise would not be able to fit.
An outer flange that covers any errors made when cutting the hole in the wall during installation can be a real help as well that will make sure your safe is not an eyesore.
Do You Want To Keep Your Wall Safe Hidden From View Or Not?
Another consideration is whether or not you want a hidden wall safe. Some people do and some don’t. If you don’t want to conceal your safe which is often the case with home or business owners who want to have quick access to a weapon in case of an intruder, just be sure to choose one that you find attractive and in a color that goes with the current style and color scheme of the room in which it will be installed.
Since both black and white are neutral colors they look great when used with just about anywhere and for that reason, you’ll often see wall safes in these colors, but it’s up to your own preference of course. If you will be choosing a hidden wall safe purchasing one that is recessed so that it will be flush with the wall and has no parts sticking out will allow you to place items in front of it without its presence being obvious.
Concealed hinges which are on the inside of the safe door will also help with this and make breaking into one that much harder. You can really be creative when it comes to using items to help keep your safe out of view. But of course, the best options are pieces of furniture or décor that would normally be present in whatever room the safe is installed.
To disguise your hidden wall safe picture frames always work well since they can be removed in a hurry if need be, but don’t overlook desks, mirrors, bookcases, and sculptures either.
Even though it is up to you unless you have considerable DIY skills we always recommend that you have your safe installed in between the walls studs of your wall by a professional contractor. This will guarantee you have a wall safe which is not only properly anchored to the wall but also a clean and neat job.
Choosing the best wall safe doesn’t have to be hard it’s simply a matter of taking the time to think about the above considerations and using them to narrow down the options, which they will help you do fairly quickly. When it comes to protecting your possessions from theft and fire there is a wall safe to do the job and do it well.
Hidden Wall Safe Ideas
As opposed to hiding your safe in the wall and behind furniture, there are also options that let you hide them in plain sight as well. Most of these are different from traditional steel safes in that they may not physically protect valuables from being stolen if someone were to discover them or from fire damage.
They are instead really hidden wall compartments. And they work because they hide things in such obvious places that no one would think to look. Some of the best examples are:
An Air Vent Safe
Since wall vents are a normal sight in any room they offer great potential as a hiding place. These are very easy to install and screw right into your wall studs. The top models actually will use an RFID (radio frequency identification) card to open them instead of a key. The card is placed in front of the safe and it opens on its own.
Since the RFID card is a generic-looking white card even if a thief found it or saw it, they would have no clue what it was for let alone come to the conclusion it would open a hidden air vent wall safe. Because the locking mechanism is battery-powered, be sure you choose a unit that comes with an external battery pack that can be used to open it should the batteries run out. One of these could work as a hidden wall gun safe, to keep cash or other smaller items.
Hidden Wall Gun Safe Mirror
A very popular option with gun owners, these look just like a common household wall mirror. In fact, many come with some really handsome frames made from wood and with finishes that can really add to the look of your home. You can use it to check your appearance and outfit but also a hidden wall gun safe mirror will give you peace of mind.
That’s because you can keep your rifles, handguns, ammo, and weapons hidden yet still easily accessible if there were an emergency situation. You could use one to keep valuables or anything else you wanted to keep secure too. Some like the well-known Tactical Wall safes even have a hidden magnetic lock that is opened with a magnetic key card. Usually, a hole is cut into the wall around a template and a panel is inserted.
Then the body of the mirror is installed over this so that your guns are recessed into the wall and not giving away the fact that the mirror is anything but normal. A few models come with some really excellent features such as removable shelves, Velcro loop backing to attach storage pouches, and magnet panels that will hold small firearms and the muzzles of longer guns in place.
Another option that could be used as a hidden wall safe mirror although not really suitable for firearms is a wall-mounted mirror jewelry armoire. With hooks and holders of all sorts for every type of jewelry from rings to necklaces, they can store an entire collection without anyone being the wiser. However some do have a visible lock, so if you want to ensure no one knows your jewelry is inside be sure to purchase one without one.
A Wall Clock With A Hidden Safe
Wall clocks are something that everyone needs or should have in their home, office, or apartment. A wall clock with hidden safe is not meant to serve as an impenetrable barrier for thieves but can keep things safe because no one assumes your valuables are right in front of them. One of these can just also be a fun piece of wall décor and make a great gift.
Most don’t even use a lock and key and the hidden compartment is accessible by swinging open the face of the clock. The best wall clocks with hidden safes are models which are attractive so they look good in your space but not so unbelievably good-looking that a thief will think it is valuable enough to steal off the wall.
The majority of units are made so that they can be either mounted directly on the wall or placed in a hole cut in one depending on what you prefer. If you will be hanging it on the wall just be sure to choose one that has a hidden compartment that is moderate in size, not so big that it draws any attention by how far it sticks out from the wall itself.
For keeping spare cash, watches, jewelry, medicine, documents, and small to medium-sized valuables within arm’s reach and out of sight these can do the trick but obviously don’t expect Fort Knox.
Hidden Wall Outlet Safe (Wall Socket Safe)
A wall outlet is probably the last place anyone would think to look for hidden valuables. And that fact combined with the fear associated with being electrocuted from opening one makes them an ideal hiding spot. While they look just like a real AC outlet, these in fact are opened with a key to reveal a hidden container to keep items hidden in your wall.
A hidden wall outlet safe is by no means a super secure option since they are just about all made from plastic, and can be a little flimsy at that. However, they are not meant to be. But for a few dollars, they give you somewhere to keep an extra stash of cash, keep medicine out of the hands of curious kids, and a place to store jewelry that is hidden right in full view.
You will have to remove the faceplate each time you open it which some consumers don’t realize. And while this is no big deal it makes them much more suited as a safe that is used in an emergency or every once in a while, not really on a daily basis. If you are interested in one of these you could also use the opportunity to make your own DIY hidden wall safe.
Using an extra-long electrical gang box installed in a cut-out in your drywall you can insert valuables and then use a blank wall plate or outlet to cover it up. You won’t even need a key because it will be kept locked via the screws in the wall plate or outlet.
Now that you know the basics, picking the right wall safe should be a piece of cake. But of course, remember when doing so to keep the considerations mentioned above in mind. It will help guarantee the best results with whichever type you choose hidden or not.
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